I like the hand drill, but I can't help but feel it is, for the most part, a useless object. I couldn't find anything that needs it beyond a single stash upgrade, but I see them everywhere.
It's a six slot item that sells for ~37k to therapist, that's around 6k per slot for something that cannot fit in a rig.
Why does this item sell so poorly and have no batter trades? This is Tarkov, power comes from a gas can here, why would an analog tool that would allow eventual access to any concrete structure be so undervalued?
I can't help but feel like they could be utilizing this behemoth better. Prapor feels like the kinda guy who wants to get into everything, why doesn't he want to trade for one? Jager lives in the woods, alone, without grid power, why not have him offer a smoothbore in exchange(maybe slightly kitted because smoothbores are pretty cheap to my understanding)?
This all feels incongruous, but there may be something I'm missing here. This is a neat item that all too often gets left on the shelf.
Sorry for any errors in formatting, I do not post often on Reddit
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/wahur2/useless_relatively_speaking_hand_drill/