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Valheim – a minor rant

fictional character

Let me start by saying first. Love the community, love the mistlands, love the game! I'm super stoked with them taking a more open approach to their development for the ashlands too, it feels great to be kept in the loop.

As far as the game goes though… it is a "Viking" game. You spend an awful lot of time at sea… especially with no portal to teleport ores… some of us only like yo have one big base and will have to spend A LOT of time at sea. The weather is great and the sea serpent is scary, but the novelty really wears off after hour 200 of playing. It needs an update. Even a Tiny one. Give us even something cosmetic, a way to customise boat: sails, mast or add shields to the side.

Realistically it needs so much more than this and deserves a full update, with new boats (even just transport of animals), new enemies (maybe a boss), new weather events and potentially even differenttypes of ocean (shallows, depths, reef, etc). I'm just sayin it's one with potentially the most potential. I understand if you don't want to make the game to "piratey", but c'mon let me sail in excitement! Also swimming whats up with that, can I go underwater some time? (Please don't say mods).

Anyways. Here's a poll to show I aint the only one wanting this. I love how the devs have adopted this new more open style to development. I hope it doesn't feel like give them an inch they'll ask for a mile, but here's a poll showing I aint the only one that wants this. Get the ashlands done then an ocean update would be great! (Also don't be shy to give us little cosmetics for boats before that though)


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