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Valve is being overly punitive and I don’t have the time for it anymore

Mod Skin Dota 2

I love Dota. I think it is not only by far the best Moba, but also one of the best competitive games out there. But, whoever has made the matchmaking/punishment system should really reflect on themselves.

Last week I had to abandom a match (unranked, all pick) due to an emergency. That was totally on me and I take responsibility. Welp, guess I have to win 2 Single draft games now, which I did. Later on I was dead in another match in endgame (around 100+ seconds death timer), so I go to the toilet. Come back, play the game as usual, we win and I'm even MVP. Apparently though the game didn't like me being 15 or 20 seconds away after my respawn and punished me again. Now I have to win 3 single draft games.

I found that very unreasonable (I didnt even get a "this player has abandoned the game" msg in the game) but queue up for single draft. 3 losses in a row, with two people disconnecting each. Yep, I think I'm done at this point.

In conclusion: Whoever thought of the Single Draft punishment System in Dota 2 needs to be removed from the Development team. I have never seen something so punitive, straight up disrespectful system in any video game to date. What elevates this system to its utter glory is that there is no surrender, and no remake when someone disconnects in the beginning of the match (or at least we didnt get the chance to rmk).

3 wins, meaning potentially 3 games each until we do, is around 12 games of single draft that I have to play for being away one game. Also you shouldnt punish players for being afk 20 seconds when your death timer takes 3 minutes. I'm not gonna stare at my grayed out screen for 3 minutes contemplating life. Of course, I'm gonna get some water, or go for the restroom. 12 potential games of single draft, is around 12 hours of gameplay for me runing 1 or 2 hours (one game I abandoned and take responsibility) of others. I'm not gonna spend 12 hours getting back into your good graces, valve.

My non-Dota-enjoyers already meme about me "one more abandon and you will have to mow the lawn infront of Valve's HQ" and they are right: It is that absurd.


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