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Valve should add a warning/delay for people returning to the game and jumping into ranked

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

A lot of people come back to dota2 after a patch, either to try out new things, to see if they want to play the game again, or on secondary accounts because they don’t want to risk mmr(really hate this last one but it is what it is).

It would be nice if players that haven’t played for an extended time(maybe three months) were limited to unranked for a few games(maybe 3-10) before allowing them back to ranked.

I get that people have lives and not everyone wants to play dota regularly, but I think it would benefit the experience for all.

Returning players get to play dota with a refreshed experienced, regular players get to play in ranked right away.

I played quite a few games yesterday (Wednesday at mid ancient) and in every game had one to two people who hadn’t played in months. They completely tilted when they lost their lanes or flat out just didn’t care because “they don’t play this anymore.” It was so frustrating I even tried to help ease them back into the game

This is all at high behavior score and without anyone really comm spamming. I am unsure if the matchmaker takes this into consideration, but my perception is that this is not a value that is critical in match making.


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