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Viability of an Offlane Morph

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

[First off, I'm not a high rank so I might have a different understanding of the game compared to high ranked players including pros.]

I'm wondering why no one tries Offlane Morph in this meta. In my understanding, greedy offlane is hot in this meta. I think morph can be a good offlaner with right build. Armlet? I think it's good on morph as long as the user knows how to utilize it for max stuns without sacrificing too much AGI with attribute shift.

I mean morph's max stun can reach up to 3.8 sec, which is one of the longest stuns in the game and it also only has 10 second cool down which is an excellent control during ganks or even team fights.

An aggressive morph can blink in, stun in the direction of the team and any support hero can be deleted in 3 seconds, wave out EZ. In my understanding, it's OP as hell.

Morph can be an annoying offlane because it can be really hard to kill specially with his shard and tanky offlaner build. That's another plus for a good offlane hero.

An Offlane Morph doesn't really need to stay full strength all the time and can farm really well on its own when needed.

My build should be like this, threads, then armlet and then blink if needed for EZ blink in and wave out, and the rest of the build can be really situational or usual offlane items.

What do you guys think? Is Offlane Morph viable in this patch?


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