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Vision of dota 2

Mod Skin Dota 2

Hi everyone, Ive never made a reddit post before but I see no other choice to get some answers I cant figure out myself (partly of course I can but lets say I am not satisfied with them).

So the problem I wanna talk about is smurfs and account buyers in dota 2. Ive been playing this game (starting with dota 1) since I was a little kid and loved and enjoyed a lot. I think I have like 15-20k hours in it alltogether and play in upper divine- lower immortal bracket so I have a general idea about skill brackets.

In the last couple years gradually increased the number of players who are totally out of place skill-wise either so much better that even if I had played my best hero and played on my best day still would lose to them 4 out of 5 or I could random a hero and still beat them 4/5 ergo a player who plays from a higher bracket lets say 7k+ MMR player or an account buyer who plays from a lower bracket maybe 3k- MMR. No need to say that this makes the games completely uneven like you queu for a game and its supposed to be 5.5k vs 5.5k and because of this one team is 6-6.5k avg skill the other one is 4.5-5k avg skill meaning its gonna be a stomp taking all the fun out of the game, doesnt matter on which side you are. I am sure we all experience this and creates frustration when you sit down and wanna play 2-3 games and they are all stomps, no matter what I do its gonna be a win cause a lycan or tinker or SF or visage etc. massacres the enemy alone meanwhile in all-chat flaming the enemy how bad they are compare to him (well duh since he is a 7k+ player and this supposed to be a 5.5k avg game) or vica versa and we are massacred no matter what we try to do the smurf player is just so much better. There are cases when Ive won games against them or lost with them but that is the minority of the games ( and the losses are mostly cause they die a few times alone and rage buyback and destroy their items).

So the goal of this post would be I wanna know what is valve's vision for this game. Its hardly imaginable this is worth for them since I decreased the money I spend on the game at least 10fold or even more (in ti9 I had like almost 2000lvl battlebass now I have like 102 or something and see no reason to increase it in any way) since I experience this in the game and I beleive people who are smurfing barely spend any money either.

If this is how they imagine the game and its community and its policies should be I feel like this is no more a game for me. They gave us a separated report option for smurfing and account buying so they realize I hope that this is a problem but I see no smurfs or account buyers getting banned they are in my (and I guess in others) games again and again no matter I report them for it, I think it shouldnt be a big investment to hire 2-3 people who understand dota and the situation and start reviewing these reports and banning them or any other solution that they find more effective.

I looked threw my last 5 games and made a screenshot of all the players who are potential account buyers and smurfs (based on their gameplay, account level, spammed hero winrate, steam friends etc.) I cant decide for sure based on 1-2 games but I can say it for like 70-80% sure but Valve has all the data to analyze them to be 99% sure that those who are banned rly smurfs and accbuyers (you can never be 100% sure I think). As a reminder this is only my last 5 games and Ive only put everyone once there eventhough I played with some of them twice in these games.


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