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We keep talking about powercreep and limited card pool/OP cards, but by what other metric does anyone judge cards?

witcher gwent cards

We keep talking about powercreep and limited card pool/OP cards, but by what other metric does anyone judge cards OTHER THAN raw point value/point potential?

Why would anyone consider playing a card that ISNT an exceedingly difficult engine to remove, or a pointslam card that generates huge value?

I think people really need to be more aware of this. As players we only ever consider cards that are cutting edge value anyway, it’s not like we can increase card diversity by judging cards on any other metric, because virtually nobody cares about any other metric

At the end of the day this inherent nature of Gwent means there’s three types of cards,

  1. Cutting edge value cards

    1. Really fun meme cards/meme combos which are inconsistent but enjoyable to watch unfold
    2. Trash

The question becomes, how do we increase deck diversity in the game? Make every card cutting edge, or make every card a meme, or just have NO cards with ridiculous power, and everything is just moderate strength and moderate points?


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