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What did you thought?

I realized that some Commanders are disappointed by the fact that Azimuth invented a module, so that a ship can actually carry more AX Weapons.

So my question is:
What did you people thought?
My Krait is fitted with 3 modified Shards Grade 2,1 AXMC grade 3, 1 Thermal Vent beam laser grade 3.
When I go hunting with my Sqaud mate, I make lots of credits every night by spilling tons of goid bloods all over the galaxy.
I can say hunting Thargoids is already very easy.
But I guess some people are struggling with goids, so now they are disappointed because they have to trade in a module slot which is probably in use for hull reinforcement to get more DPS.
Do you realize that you created your expectations and that it is your fault, if you feel disappointed?

That leads me to my next thought…
Do you know the famous and glorious Anti Xeno Initiative?
These people telling pilots to follow the "meta" otherwise pilots will end up paying millions of rebuy cause AX Fighting is high level combat?
They are shit.
In my opinion they tell people this so they can justify themself as good pilots
If I can kill goids so easily by not following the meta, you can kill goids easily too.
And who created the meta?
Is it possible that AX Initiative created that meta which they want you to follow?
And why do some them get so angry and start writing in caps lock, when someone tells them, that he wants to make his own opinion to create an own meta?

Greetings to the people, who told me I will not make it, when I don't follow the meta.
I am billionaire now, so I bought myself a golden Krait.


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