What do you consider a “fast” and a “slow” shield recharge time?

About a month ago I got myself a Corvette, and started on a Cucumber build, but I was missing the Prismatic Shields, so I used Bi-weaves instead, hull tanked the rest, pledged to Aisling Duval, then spent the last month blasting my way around the galaxy in my new Corvette. I went up a few ranks in Combat, did a lot of massacre missions, and got really used to flying this ship.

Fast forward to today, I've unlocked the Guardian Shield Reinforcement Packages, and I've bought myself a whole load of Prismatics of all sizes.

But now I'm struggling to replace my shields with the Prismatics because I kind of like the fast recharge time. To give you some rough numbers:

  • my build: thermal shield is 4,500 with 2m22s recharge time.
  • cucumber build: thermal shield is 10,000, with 22m54s recharge time

I'm sure the extra 5,500 shield would be great but my current build rarely loses shields, recharges really fast, and hull tanks any other damage. I really never have to worry in this build with PvE.

Would you consider 2m22s really low?

Is a 22min recharge time worth it, or is that just way too long?

What's your sweet spot for shield recharge time?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/tx2n5b/what_do_you_consider_a_fast_and_a_slow_shield/

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