First wipe, level 55. I don't know what to do in the game anymore, I won't even try to get kappa because the missions make me lazy. I've helped low level people with their quests, I've played with experienced friends going straight to customs looking for pvp. It was my routine since I reached level 44 that I put the quests aside. I tried to go back to other games but tarkov ruined them for me because now they are horrible for me. It's like remembering a show you watched as a kid that you loved, and you watch it again 20 years later and it's complete garbage. Something like that. I started to watch some war movies and that gave me the rush again, putting together an m4 that you just saw in a movie where thor shoots, Sicario, etc. Now when entering a raid I invent a backstory "I occupy some salewas for the African boy who was shot by British forces that I have hidden in my hide out". And so every raid and it has kept me alive, I started to record my games and for fun I started to edit them as if it were a film. I think it's great that you can play this game however you want, while I'm walking on the map with my backstory, there must be some guy lying in a bush playing his own story.
I'm waiting for the next wipe, since I know a certain way to play, or well, at least know what items are now valuable, but I feel like this has gone on too long. What are you doing? Am I too bored to do this?