What Scepter/Shard update you want to see on future patches?

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If you were to change/upgrade/rework a Scepter/Shard upgrade for a hero, what changes are you going to do?

In my case, I want Disruptor's Shard to get changed. His Shard seems to be very specific or I am just so bad at using him I don't know how the proper use of his Shard. I get it that his Shard caters not to the need of the hero, but to your cores that want to stay on top of the target as they get attack speed and movement speed bonus. Still, the upgrade seems to be lame. If I were to change it, I want it to go to his Kinetic Field. Make it that enemies, both heroes and creeps, that stand at the edge of his KF be affected by the current level of his Thunder Strike. They will be hit once every second or something. With this, he'll finally have a good farming skill. The upgrade is not the most overpowered imo, just enough for him to have better wave clear.

In case of Scepter upgrade, I think both QoP and Techies has the worst upgrades now. If Valve wants QoP's scepter mechanics to remain, maybe just change it to every unit hit by her poison also gets hit immediately by Scream. The aoe remains. About Techies, I want him to have a new skill, maybe a Decoy-like bomb, he creates an illusion of himself. When the illusion dies, it deals the damage of his R. Also, the illusion has its own Blast Off, it will jump on the target area and immediately die, detonating in the process.

What's yours?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/10ckdwr/what_sceptershard_update_you_want_to_see_on/

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