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What to do versus rat dota?

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I was just curious what you guys do when they have rat dota on their side? For example I played a game where they had NP 5, and he would literally just constantly cut waves and do chip damage to towers, then to rax, over and over again. This is a solo pub so teamwork is a minimum. Eventually we just lost our rax and it was a rap. Try to take rosh? NP is doing chip damage. Try to push down mid as a team? NP doing chip damage. Their team is trying to fight us or take an objective? NP on other side of the map doing chip damage.

I feel like it's psychological damage more than tower damage lmao, I was just staring at the minimap waiting for this rat to pop up and try to de-push… I guess we just didnt have the lineup to win against it? Started off slow and our heroes werent any flashy mobile heroes…

I'm 5k if that makes a difference.


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