What to do with ill-gotten gains?

So I've been Excuse me, my friend has been pirating the CG, and I've he's been having a lot of fun. However, he wishes there were something he could do with his ill-gotten gains. He tried to take them to Macdonald Settlement to contribute to the CG (after all, a Silk Road between the Bubble and Colonia would be beneficial for everyone: Explorers, Traders, and Pirates alike) but those self-righteous bastards wouldn't accept my his stolen goods – which I think is ridiculous, since he stole them fair and square.

Anyway, here's my he sent me this screenshot, with names redacted to protect the innocent. He's pretty proud of it it, because it's his first successful PVP Piracy encounter where everyone lived.

My question is: Is there any way for him to launder his dirty goods and donate them to the CG – or does he have to sell them on the Black Market?

Thanks, Nuke out.

o? (It's a hook)

Take what you can – give nothing back.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/s054lf/what_to_do_with_illgotten_gains/

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