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What would make you greatly excited/hyped for Gwent again?

the witcher and ciri gwent

For those of us that aren't super excited with the game, that is.
Don't get me wrong, I love Gwent and playing the game to progress the Triss Journey, as she's one of my favorite characters in the franchise, well more from the games than the books I read.

But anyways, I only play a game or two a day and I mostly just play for Journey profession.

CDPR's new direction to constantly drip feed is absolutely better for the balance and meta of the game. But on the other hand, it doesn't do much to excite me. When the last segment of the expansion was released, I thought it was cool for the first day or two; but it didn't really change much for me. The big expansions before took a while to make and always threw balance into a mess, but I loved getting all those cards and cosmetics, theory crafting new decks, new Witcher lore, RPing new decks, etc. In short, it generated way more hype for me personally.

So what would excite you? A new single player story, a la a new Throne breaker? A huge new expansion? A slew of more reward trees? New leaders or a few new strategems?


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