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Whats the deal with all the traitor scavs? Are they farming -rep for Tagged and Cursed? Are RMTers racking up huge scav bounties and letting their clients kill them to “sell” rep? Whats with all the Scav gangs on streets running with a dedicated traitor? What can be done to curb this endemic?

If anybody knows for certain what these "Good Scav- Bad Scav" gangs are up to or are themselves a part of this community, please let us know why and whether it's worth the effort.


  1. "Maybe its just Noobs." Perhaps these are new players who joined the game recently and simply don't know about the relatively obscure Scav rep mechanic and are killing other scavs out of ignorance. +Simple explanation -Doesn't explain why now, as we just had a video come out that should have caused there to be fewer new players -Doesn't explain why there are so many GSBS gangs on streets
  2. "Farming negative rep to trigger the Tagged and Cursed status." I've never done it myself, but supposedly if your rep is sufficiently negative, your player scav will spawn Tagged and Cursed. By having one or more "Good Scavs" spotting and luring the AI Scavs to the "Bad Scav", the Scav Gang can accumulate a ton of scav bodies to loot and ensure they always have good backpacks and rigs for successful scav runs. This setup also allows them to backstab unsuspecting Player Scavs and to steal all of their loot without any real cost to the Scav Gang. +Explains why they show up infrequently, yet consistently throughout the week (long scav cooldowns for the traitor means its a once or twice a night arrangement without the use of alternate acounts) +Explains the random acts of Scav on Scav violence as dedicated traitors trying to tank their rep to prepare to attempt this strat.
  3. "RMTers are selling Scav rep using the 'Kill a traitor' bounty system." The theory is that Timmy pays RMT_joe with Timmy's mother's credit card for a carry on a scav run where RMT_joe will kill every AI and player Scav they run into and let Timmy have all the loot and at the end of the raid, RMT_joe will let Timmy kill him so Timmy can loot everything that RMT_joe found during that raid, but also so that Timmy gets the +rep bounty for killing a traitor scav. +Scav karma is implicitly valuable of it's own right so it is probable that RMTers are selling it. +BSG are only tracking PMC's dropping each other gear/suiciding to each other at the start of raids to track RMTers, as such BSG is likely not doing anything to track the interactions between player scavs, thus meaning it is likely an as of yet undetected form of RMT. +Explains the acts of "random" scav violence as paid carries trying to kill as many player Scavs for their client to loot as possible.


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