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What’s up with all these bad players in Immortal?

Mod Skin Dota 2

Like seriously, I lost 5 games today, in a row, because one of our cores had no idea what to do.

Game 1: had a Sven go Phase Boots into Moon Shard (!?), then bkb, blink and then a f-ing armlet, 33 minutes in. It was a 70 min game, our Sven didn’t manage to build anything else.

Game 2: got a feeding offlaner Brew, doesn’t really know how to play the hero and pos 1 leaves 20 minutes in.

Game 3: pos 1 Slark gets midas, farms all game, joins in 7 total kills out of 24, deals the least damage in the game. When he joins fight, he presses wrong buttons and just dies. Oh and offlaner fed.

Game 4: pos 1 Sniper has no idea how to position, goes 1-14 in a 30 min game, pos 3 tide and pos 4 Dawn both build greaves. Dawn decides to grief because of it.

Other games: general lack of game awareness and positioning, straight up leavers and weird non-meta item builds (magnus first item aghs? And some other weird ones)

What the hell is happening? These past few days have been a nightmare.


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