Which is the mode for you and why?

Hello everyone.

Out of curiosity what mode do people here tend to use?

Having read through a few of the posts I can see that a lot of people tend to focus on solo play for a variety of reasons but primarily due to the fact they view ED more of a SP experience and that they want to avoid gankers. I do the same.

The reason I ask is that while I always use solo play for similar reasons above I can't help but feel I'm missing a part of the experience by not playing in Open or Private. I'm trying to get into the habit of playing online with people and I was wondering if this was the game for it. From all appearances this is not the case since the scale is so large that it's actually unlikely I'll ever meet a PC.

If I do decide to do multiplayer I'll probably do private. I've already applied to Mobius.

Anyway, what mode do you primarily use?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/o91pce/which_is_the_mode_for_you_and_why/

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