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Which LGD lineup was closest to winning?

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I often catch myself thinking that the 2 LGD squads, which were as close as possible to victory, are essentially 2 completely different teams, connected only by tag and carry. Which lineup do you think is stronger and which was closer to victory in your opinion – 2018 or 2021?
First team 2018 Ame – Maybe – Chalice – Fy – Xnova and coach QQQ

Second 2021 Ame – NTS – Faith_Bian – Xinq – Y and coach Xiao8.

Both squads showed themselves to be wealthy outside TI and took the largest tournaments of their time (Epicentr – Riyadh), both lacked one map in the finals, on the one hand – LGD2021 made it to the finals much more confidently, but in the finals (except for a few minutes of the final 5 map) essentially had no advantage, at the same time LGD2018 made it to the final from losers, but if not for critical errors on map 4, in fact they could have closed the series 3-1, that is, they were much closer to winning the final match.
So, according to your feelings, opinions, assessments, which LGD were more powerful and were the most powerful ones closer to victory, because this is a small difference (sometimes the weaker one is closer to victory than the stronger one)

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