Why am I being lasered by every single scav within a 50 metre radius

I last played the game around a year ago, I think I quit shortly after the woods rework and picked the game up again a week ago, I'm trying to do my quest to kill 15 scavs on woods but every fucking game I'm literally being lasered by every single scav in the vicinity, I just spawned in near some little town thing (idk the layout of the reworked area) and within 15 seconds I'm being lit up, I assume it was a PMC because it was just hit after hit after hit so I dive to cover and heal, I peek and immediately get my face taken off

Death screen comes up and oh what do you know I died to a scav, this is probably my 8th PMC run and the 3rd run where I've died because I was absolutely lasered by scavs, is this a normal thing? They're literally sitting in spots a normal player would have no visibility on me yet somehow hitting every single shot

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/uzyk1e/why_am_i_being_lasered_by_every_single_scav/

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