Why am I punished for other people’s faults

I only recently came back to EFT and this scav rep system is just as dogpiss as I remember it… Overall the scav playerbase has mellowed out which I guess makes playing as a scav less "Every scav for themselves" but that also just makes these superficial mental barriers the more annoying…

Scenario: Scav factory, 2 PMCs are shooting a bunch of scavs, I kill a PMC and because I'M shooting, 2 mongoloid player scavs standing RIGHT NEXT TO (with debris inbetween) the other PMC that is killing everyone else, start shooting me???????????

Naturally I kill them too for shooting at me first but since the first guy missed me and never actually hit me, I lost rep for killing a fellow scav and start getting attacked by AI as well? Why is this dog water scav rep system still causing me to mald and bald? I don't really care that my rep is lowered, but its mildly infuriating that (speculatively) mindless BOTS who have 0 target identification make fighting more frustrating because I become the "bad guy" for their shit game sense and awful aim.

My next scav is ready so Malding and Balding over, thanks for coming to my ted talk

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/vszr4s/why_am_i_punished_for_other_peoples_faults/

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