Why did BSG decide to nerf colored keycards, effectively making them a dogs**t?

Red keycard – I paid 27 mil for it – 91 runs – 3 LedXs and some worthless shit.. Estimates are around 7 million roubles in profit (not bad but I am sorry, why does black keycard that costs 11 times less nets around 1 mil on average while red is around 100k)? I had more LedXs in the yellow room which costs 300k roubles.

Green keycard – I paid 15 mil for this one. 40 runs, my best openning contained BTC+GPU. Not a single ledX/black keycard (gives me even worse feeling than red), especially when Black spawned 2 leddies per raid multiple times this wipe.

Blue keycard – Do I need to comment on this? Paid 10 mil for this one and on average it contains 1 item (3 at best), the best one being ETG green stim. After 20 survived raids where I opened blue I made like 250 000 roubles.

Now dont get me wrong, I have 80+ mil roubles and I understand that these cards are rather about having the full collection and being able to flex but it feels kinda disappointing to spend 50m+ roubles for them and not being able to make the money back.. Not even remotely close. Your thoughts?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/teb73j/why_did_bsg_decide_to_nerf_colored_keycards/

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