- Birthday Heroes should not be in the book.
- Starter Pack Items should not be in the book.
- Campaign Heroes should not be in the book.
- Battle Breakers Heroes should not be in the book. (eh)
- Founders Weapons shouldn't be in the book. (Give us an item reset for each.)
If they remain like this then..
- Why aren't Twitch Prime Heroes in the book?
- Why aren't PSN Heroes in the book?
- Why aren't Xbox Heroes in the book?
- Why isn't Deimos in the book??
Items should not be in the book if they are only obtainable once.
I don't like missing out on CB levels because of this. Ultimately
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/ytt87z/why_is_the_collection_book_so_inconsistent/