Why is this still an issue?! accidental system authority hits make you the biggest threat.

I remember a long time ago I accidentally shot a 'system authority vessel' in a firefight, and I was in a sidewinder at the time.

Now I've got almost every ship in the game minus some faction based ships… but i'm currently in a python, undertaking a mission where a firefight happens in 'threat level 0' territory.

I kill 2 waves and an anaconda appears, so I am attacking it, dropping it's shields ASAP, and i accidentally shot one of the system authority vessels, and it must been very few shots, but I got a 200cr bounty and the system authority vessels immediately turned on me … completely ignoring the anaconda enemy firing at them, just to kill me….

Did I miss something or is this just a bug or simply a very very bad indication of a poor AI situation?

I.E. Shouldn't that just become a bounty, and not force them to attack you all out ? especially when you are helping them kill attackers….

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/u0yoxf/why_is_this_still_an_issue_accidental_system/

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