Will I be an anti-xeno hero, or the thargoids next meal

I have 200hrs in the game, and it's been great fun! I'm expert rank at combat :). Novice in absolutely everything else…

I just sold all my ships to gain 200 million and bought a 124 million type 10 because I think they're cool 😎. I understand they're not the go to ship for combat but as you can see from my very small amount of money after 200hrs I prefer the more difficult but more fun path to cash (in my opinion)

My question is, will I be good enough to be a hero, or will I become Xeno dinner. I'm a noob in everything but flying and fighting so when I saw a post about AX combat riches I thought it may be the way to go.

I've spent most of my time in the leesti system and don't know a single thing about engineering or what's beyond about 6 jumps from leesti. Which goes to my second question.

If I were to fight the thargoids in my type 10 what would I need that my 80 million could buy? Now about 30-40 million cause I upgraded core stuff and shields. Is the strange engineering stuff required? How do I prepare to defend our people!!

Thank you 🙂

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/xip91z/will_i_be_an_antixeno_hero_or_the_thargoids_next/

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