I'm worried a bit of pubg dilemma could happen in Tarkov. Pubg had First person mode, Third person mode, solo, duo, and quads, which spread the player base so thin. Now with Arena coming to the game, I'm a bit worried the player base could be split too thin. We will have player Scavs, pmc, and arena. You can make an argument that player scavs are still part of one side of the game, but for me personally I don't. As scavving has become more powerful over the years I have noticed way more player scavs in raids and maybe just a handful of PMCs, and personally it has made the raids way less fun than back when PMCs where everywhere. Now I think another big chunk of people who typically pmc more than they scav, will be playing a lot of Arena. I hope bsg can do things to incentive people to still play Tarkov too, and I think some nerf caps should be done to player scavs once Arena comes out, like longer wait times between runs especially if it is true that you can transfer things from Arena to Tarkov and vice versa.
Posted on CategoriesDiscussion, Escape from Tarkov
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