You know, I may not get into the cockpit of my AspX much these days.

But I look back on the Distant Worlds 2 expedition quite fondly. Having only gotten the hang of basic bubble travel in a Viper just before the expedition started, I put my nose to the grindstone and started pumping out missions left and right to gain enough funding and materials to make a semi capable jumper.

That AspX is still one of my most capable travel and mining ships, but I never got the urge to explore much else outside of the bubble after the expedition and I've never even though about the Guardian Equipment or AX brigades…

So now every time I feel bored and alone I'll boot the old puppy up and just go flying for a while. It's one of those times I wish we had say, racing leagues, for example. It'd give me a reason to buy a Mamba and think I was cool, even though I come in last every time. 😉

Unfortunately, CQC is also dead as well, and I have no intention to get kitted to take on the rest of the universe.

So I'll just wander, knowing that I made it to Beagle Point safe and well, and made it back to Colonia to sell my travel data.

I don't need to be a big explorer, nor some Elite combat pilot…

I'm just a trader who wanders by.


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