Timeline leading up to this post:
I posted this video
Anyway…on to this afternoon…
I came across this post
Person that tossed the ordinance was within the cone of the ultimate so it was considered an "outgoing" ordinance.
It only blocks ordnance that’s at the height of the spinny blue parts or higher. You can get grenades past it by throwing them low
If you go to Wattson's page on EA's website
Same is repeated if you go to the Apex Legends Wiki
Maybe u/Jayfresh_Respawn or someone on the team can fill in the community as to what is expected from certain abilities of characters…i personally think you all should have this shit laid out for us already, but wish in one hand, shit in the other i guess…🤷♂️
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ce3jub/can_someone_give_solid_answers_as_to_wtf_the/