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Confusion about SBMM

I want to start by saying I have seen so many posts about how SBMM has ruined the game and I’ve been a bit confused on how much it has actually affected quick play.

So essentially there is no science behind this, but I went through my wins in each season and noticed that there was no discernible difference.

I had 29 wins in season 1 (most time played), 27 wins in season 2, and 25 in season 3 (least time played). Also, I basically only play quick play with very little time in ranked play.

From this and just my experience playing the game, it’s seems that we are overplaying SBMM quite a bit. I’m just skeptical on the actual effect it is having on the game compared to the outrage online about it.

Again, no real science behind this and purely from looking at my wins each season and the feel from playing the game semi-regularly.



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