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Does Caustic Need a buff/change?

I like this Sociopath as much as the next guy, perhaps one of the funnest quips to hear and the most sadistic legend ever to play as. But i wanna hear people's thoughts about a few tiny changes to the Pesticide Scientist.

So first off we have his gas, that when triggered lets out this cloud of constantly damaging/slowing effect. The damage, I believe, goes 4/6/8/10 and the slow is 50% movement speed debuff. If you are caught in 2, double, three triple and etc, etc.
Now these numbers don't carry when a player leaves the gas and goes back into it.
(I.e Wraith uses tactical to escape trap, triggers another one upon re entry and take 4 damage, starting the count again.)
The numbers not carrying over is fine by me, but if they did change it a bit, it would be nice to have a smaller status bar go over your legends HP bar and slowly fill up as you stay in the gas, giving you higher damage the longer your character has stayed in and inhaled the gas. If you happen to trip another gas trap, that bar follows you and you are inflicted with this damage as if you stayed in the old trap.

It would work like this.
Bar: 0%
HP Damage: 4

Bar: 25%
HP Damage: 6

Bar: 50%
HP Damage: 8

Bar: 75%~100%
HP Damage: 10

The bar would follow and go across ALL Caustic Traps, as they are made from the same pesticide, but in addition your Legend would constantly cough, giving away their positon a bit.
Now would this Effect other Caustics? Yes.
I feel like a Caustic shouldnt be damaged by his gas, but even he coughs from the effects of the gas on the loading screen and before the drop. So having him breath it in and even have a slower bar due to his resistance would be cool to see. But that brings up another question, how would you tell which gas is yours and which is the Enemys?

For the longest time i've said these famous last words before getting downed.
"Oh wait! I thought this was yours!"
It would be behoove the Apex Community to get a sort of Red Gas patch, to tell which gas is your Caustic's and which one is the enemys.
Let me know what you guys think.

Edit: Forgot to Mention, the Slow would still apply to teammates walking through the gas and the Meter as well, but they wouldnt take damage just start coughing as people use their teammates gas to hide.


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