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I want to enjoy apex, but I can’t

Full disclosure, I love this game. I’ve played since day 1 and it really is a special game, however, the SBMM in the game truly makes it not fun. I hopped on for a few games today, faced many players with 10k+ elims, 10 mil damage etc. my highest character is wraith with 2300. I’ve barely played this season, so after getting stomped in pubs I decided to give ranked a try. I’m only in bronze as I haven’t played ranked much at all, but finally I could make it out of my landing spot, traverse the map as I like to and even got 2 wins. It felt like apex again, not getting g7’d cross map, or dove on by a full team with r99s and pk’s. There’s probably a ton of posts like this, so apologies for that, but the slightest tone down of SBMM would give this game the replayability it once had. Also, the choppiness and frame drops on xb1, they being addressed at all? Season 2 the game ran pretty smooth, dunno what’s up with that. Thanks for reading! I hope these next few updates will cater to what a ton of the community has been saying!


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