R-99 discussion

I have been playing this game for a good while now and I can’t help but feel just baffled at why the R-99 is still so damn strong. So long as you land your shots, it can either be a one man kill or wipe any shields from the face of the earth. And this is made easier by the fact that as soon as you start kitting it up you will have a laser aim, and enough rounds to stop anyone in their tracks. Imo this gun needs some big changes, it is a favorite of anyone new or looking for easy kills, and so long as you’re not bad at aiming you’ll get them.

Added to this is it’s a guarantee every squad will have one, which is fine. But when it’s late game and everyone I run into has an R-99, I can’t help but feel miffed for trying to find other meta’s beside “smg go fast”.

I’m making this because I can’t help but feel like I’m in a minority outside my friend group, everywhere it looks people seem perfectly fine with it, if not looking to improve it. What’re your thoughts on it? Too good? Not good enough? Just right?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/fpksqq/r99_discussion/

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