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Ranked is f*cked

Out of 20 squads you can fight against 10 are all the sweatiest preds literally all top 50, u manage to kill 1 pred team just to get third partied by the other 9 and on top of that assists only work if u dmged them within 1 or 2 seconds, got to pred on s1 and 2 and im ready washed up with all this master system, sometimes you get lobbies with no pred and all silver gold players on pred queues and some other times u dont even get diamonds, i been grinding on pred lobbies since gold 2, i was D2 halfway and im D3 halfway now, queuing against the pred stack players all the time and it's impossible to even get 1 point cus all the plat players run for for their life until the pred team finds you, friends keep quitting the game and some pro's are already tired of it, i saw a good pro player known by the community quit yesterday cus he's washed up with the game too, ranked system is frustrating as it is now, not hard, just unfair and frustrating. This is without even talking about the cheaters


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