Recent event & Store prices $$$

Am I the only one that was super disappointed with this event? Super great marketing and skins, but like I didn't find it fun or exciting to play. I didn't look forward to the next day to play it again.

The rewards and challenges could be done a lot better. Also, why not make the last reward a pack? The first event we got, we were given 2 event packs for free. Challenges are just too plain, basically, all it is, is "just play the game".

As for the store prices, I don't think skins should be 20$ for the quality they are. For what they are if they were around 5-10$ I would buy some once in a while, but 20$… For that price in the new CoD you get multiple gun skins, charms and legend skins in a cool package.

All to say that I get the point that you guys are a company trying to make money.

I just find the prices a bit absurd. I usually don't mind buying cosmetics that I like in video games like in Overwatch, League of Legends, Call of Duty, but Apex is the first game that I never felt like buying anything from it except the battle pass.

And mentioning the battle pass rewards, I think there are way too many load screens (9 in total), I don't think people are usually excited to receive those. Also this season the weapon skins aren't super exciting either. Should throw in a few more epic ones.

I know I sound like a complaining beach, but I don't think I'm the only one here having this issue. I see the game has so much potential to be super exciting, yet for some reason it gets bland.


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