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SBMM Confusion

Hello all, ive a bit of confusion surrounding the hate for SBMM. I dont play casual matches, ranked only cause i like the stakes and currently platinum 3 on ps4. If i lose and derank so be it. So i havent really seen the issues with "play apex" mode.

So to my point. If this SBMM matches you up with people of the same skill… whats the issue with this? The shit players play each other and the pros play each other. This will make the game more enjoyable for the newbies who can learn the ropes instead of a random encounter with a pred. I dont understand why better players will want to play with newbies just to clean up the map with 15+ kills. If thats what they really want then weird flex bro…

I get that matching with similar skill is for rank but so what. Using SSBM surely gives you the opportunity to improve against a real opponent with no risk of losing rank rather and demoting yourself ?

To that end. Can someone please explain wtf is with all the hate or if i have massively missed the point?

EDIT: seems people are more angry that sbmm roll out is crap rather than core concept. Also inability to play with friends is shit. I get that…and something should be done. I don't think however getting rid of sbmm is the answer.

EDIT 2:TLDR: play apex w/ sbmm = no downside to losing. In ranked = lose sr and theres a downside.

I stand by my point.



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