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Suspensions needs tweaking

Iirc, if a teammate leaves during the match and you end up losing you get pardoned for that loss. The same should be in place if you load into a match with only 1 other person and you end up leaving. Now I have nothing against 2 man squads, I have a decent amount of wins with only 1 other person but all of them were in parties that I talked to. Though the pinging system is a nice and simple way to communicate with some randoms, it lacks some key phrases (Don't attack, Cover me, etc).

This wouldn't be a big problem with a full squad, but with a random who has no mic/doesn't speak it's hard to plan anything out. Which leads to the main problem:

Less people in a squad makes the match 10x more difficult especially in higher ranks, and without proper communication and strategies it makes it even harder. So if you leave the match before you even drop, you shouldn't be suspended from the game., it's not your fault the game couldn't find one other person.

If your good at the game and can easily wipe a squad with just a p2020 and white shields, good for you. But if you're a average casual player like me and you're stuck with the dashboarder whose supposed to be in bronze, it's not going to be a fun experience for both of us.


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