I appreciate that Respawn has the forethought to integrate various limits in regards to the Totem and Shadow Mode because the potential for this ability to be OP is certainly present. But regardless I feel that it needs a buff.
The Totem’s limitations are as such:
It has a limited Range
While in Shadow Mode all damage is taken directly to health
You can’t use Healing Items in Shadow Mode
You respawn at the Totem with 1 HP
I feel as if using the Totem ( in most scenario’s )puts your team at a disadvantage. Let’s say you face a squad of 3 and each members has level 3 or above armor. That mean you’re team has to do 600 damage to kill the squad where as the enemy only needs to do 300 damage to send your team back to the totem
Especially your team charges in with half of the health of the enemy. This is a HUGE disadvantage. This is more of a problem because you can’t use healing items to while in Shadow Mode
Furthermore because the Totem has limited range you are forced to place it close by where you know the fight will be. Which increases the chance of the enemy finding it and camping by it for easy kills( which is EXTREMELY dangerous considering the 3rd party meta that is common in Apex)
Also if a caustic places a trap by the totem he instantly downs you as soon as you respawn at the totem( seeing as how the gas bypasses shield damage)
I feel as if a subtle buff could benefit Revenant. Such as increasing the range of the Totem or allowing the use of healing items in Shadow Mode
Revenants ult is one of the riskiest in the entire game and the advantages of using it a minimal in comparison
This is my opinion but I would love to hear what the community has to say about this. Maybe I’m using the ult wrong? And Revenant is stills new character so perhaps I’m speaking to soon and I should simply give it more time for the meta to evolve. Thank you for reading
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/f2gzj8/we_need_a_buff_for_revanents_totem/