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Why are random octanes the worst?

Since SBMM, most of my squadmates have been pretty good. I don’t like playing against top preds every match, but at least my random teammates are generally competent. The only randoms I ever get who are incompetent are Octane mains. Every time I see someone hover their cursor over octane in the character select, I groan. 90% if the octanes I play with are horrible teammates. Most of them are loot goblins, and they spend the entire match looting my kills, and the ones who aren’t loot goblins push everything idiotically. The stim straight into the fight without bothering to scope it out and figure out where the enemies are and they always die instantly. Then, after they die, they always either leave as soon as they’re downed, or they spam ping their banners while calling me trash. It’s really annoying because not only is octane the worst legend in the game, he’s only played by the worst, most toxic players. What’s up with this. On top of all this, he’s the favorite purchasable legend of the noobs. They all claim he’s the best legend token legend, and refuse to listen to reason, or good players. Why, octane mains? Why are you like this?


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