Wargaming greatly underestimate importance of maps

Reacently iv been playing WT, and i really like maps there (I know its completly different game style and philosophy)

But to transalte that to wot, as a mostly heavy tank player, i hate the fact most positions are just corridors with only a couple of options to shoot at enemy tanks. I have more fun when teams rotate positions and we have to use completly diferent angels.

As an excample, i really liked stalingrad map, the west side. So many options to interact, to go around, cheaky spots to shoot, ect. just makes game more dinamic instead of boring stand off betwen super heavys that cant pen each other.

Do i must say i have no idea how to improve maps for other tank types, but i feel like this could be implemented since heavy tank flanks are usually isolated.

Bu it could still work for mediums, something like those coal piles on east of one of the maps, just extended.

What would be your ideas and sugestions?

Is there a way to view old removed maps? i feel like a lot of them were also good. Or websites with in depth analysis of maps and statistics. ai tank movement, where they died, where they were spotted, took a hit, ect

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/17u2f5v/wargaming_greatly_underestimate_importance_of_maps/

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