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Yes Origin Is down, but this exposes a far bigger issue

As many of you are finding out, Origin is down. But something I don't think any of us expected is an empty library.

It turns out if the ORIGIN server is down then the launcher will ignore all locally installed games. Including games that can be played offline. This begs the question..Who owns your library?

If we look at League, when their in game "store" goes down you can still play the game. When their "friends list" goes down you can still play the game. When a specific game mode goes down you can still interact with the store and friends. Fundamentally because the League client aggregates multiple servers into one place.

Is this not the same with Origin and all their games? Or does Apex Legends use the same servers as Titanfall and as Anthem and as their store. Seems like really poor design to have every single game on one server instance. But why are all my single player games missing? I paid for those. Like steam shouldn't I be able to play offline?

If I don't own what I paid for, I can't in good conscience spend any more money in Origin.

If any dev sees this post, please ignore the questions above and answer this for me. Why are you guys so hell bent on ruining your own games? Its been 4 odd months with that stupid dropship bug.

EDIT 1; my region is Canada

EDIT 2; " You can launch off the .exe file with Origin open. OriginGames/Apex/r5apex.exe "
Credit u/RedSquadron


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