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You should listen to the players respawn

All happend when COD Warzone dropped and gived me the option to a change. Over this week i've played only COD, i didn't even opened Apex untill now when i finished with the work and wanted to relax a bit with KC. First match, no teammates, second match, one dropped at Skull, the other at artillery, and of course i loose both of the matches. But today is different, now i don't talk dirty and just go for the next match, i just close the game and open COD. For everybody out there with "iT's A tEaMwOrK gAmE aNd YoU mUsT pLaY aS a TeAm" with who tf to team with, cargo bot? Train? Supply ship? I understand that is a team based game, but at least make a duos mode so i don't need to 1v3 every fight because of the teammates. It's like 1 from 10 matches have potential and fk it, i don't want to waste that amount of time anymore just for that one with potential.


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