11% chance, yeah sure

I've been waiting to comment on this tank until I got this tank 11 times, I now have 55 rental battles in this stupid tank.
I have no clue how many Tokens I've dropped or if there is a way to check.
I really enjoy the collection aspect of this game and having different tanks to play different ones. The fact that this tank is a 11% chance for Rental or actually owning it annoyed me when it was announced. The fact I got this tank 11 times, and 3 of those was all in a row frustrates me.

Wargaming made this specifically to screw us over. The fact that we don't have bad luck prevention to ensure we get this tank is pathetic. It's not even a premium so I don't get why WG is being so stingy with this tank.

I hope I'm one of the few people who have just gotten very unlucky and I'm apart of the small group of people who haven't gotten this tank. So hopefully everyone else has better luck then I do.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/zsbyly/11_chance_yeah_sure/

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