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Am I too weak or just too stubbirn to give up?

Some months ago, I posted this , and I said I won't open it again.

Well, a lot of things happened, and although I admit the game has its faults, I did not it justice by saying "I am a hardcore tomato, I guess I should quit". Let's just say, yeah, skill issue is factor here (and my near-religious refusal of using gold ammo), everyone can just say screw you guys, I'm going home . I think better thing to do is simply put up my manpants and simply try to get better.

Yeah, there's a lot of issues, as my playing since 2015 (i think) grew several bad habits as well as my anxious and reckless personality, I still think there's more room to improve myself. Sorry for venting here, i just want to say that even tho I am tomato, i can still improve if I stop being whiner and tilt every time I blow up.

I also want to ask you for few tips. To paint the picture, I am not very keen on insane speeds, as I like to take my time to think things trough, also, most of my playstyle relies in good angling/hulldown (T29 and O-I are my forbidden fruit) and relying on my armor. Also I am quite straightforward, which comes from my personality. I like to be team's shield, although I don't mind some sniping when I'm done with the brawls

Thank you for your time, and I hope i can improve myself to consistency


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