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anyone else miss lemmingrush/any cc’s like him?

damn bruh i saw some of lemmingrush's old videos and realized i miss the dude on youtube fr. he was pretty much the only wot cc i personally related to since he was just a couple years older than me and was a college student when he was making his videos. Its also funny how he was super unicum with like <1/4th of the battles (only 16k!) of most other super unicums; dude was just intelligent fr. I just checked his wot profile and i geeked lmao his most played tank is fr the t-34-3 before the buffs….anyway since it seems like hes graduated college and has moved on into the business world, so anybody know any wot youtubers like him? Im not really into the ones w 100K battles who gold spam constantly and have no life outside the game, lemming was more of a casual player who was always broke on credits (hence the t-34-3) just like us and couldn't afford to gold spam like crazy, and was wayyyyy more relatable and entertaining because of that.


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