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Battlepass tank selection was a mistake

Does WG even think before selecting the battlepass tanks? The current selection is absolutely ruining the T10 experience.

Kranvagen: Enough has been said of the Kran meta in regard to ranked. Random games with 4 of these a side are just toxic.

Leo 1: Lets be honest the average wot player is useless in a Leo, either dies immediately while doing negligible damage, or sits on redline and dies late while doing negligible damage. So many absolute gamers rooted to redline, in their naked leos, in the open, keyboards unplugged, trying to autoaim tanks at max draw. (Im sure those trying to mark love these guys tho)

E4: Where to even start with this one… The tank seems to draw the "hurr durr gun big go brr" crowd, as well as the "I am a triangle so I must snipe" crowds (I'm sure theres some overlap). EVERY game has 2-3 0 damage E4s. Late game is a nightmare of what random bush is the unspotted 0 kill 45% E4 hiding in, and will he manage to right click left click me.

TL:DR the Random que ("Krandom que" thanks /u/canteen_CA) has become a supremely static draw producing campfest. While huge damage farms are possible, TBH there isn't a lot of fun to be had.


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