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British Wheeled Medium candidates

Sample of tanks that could be considered by WG for the upcoming British wheelie line. Be really cool to see the Saladin in the game and it could fit the mid tiers quite well. I suspect the tier 5/6 in the line will be lights and the line will transition to more heavier medium vehicles. So hopefully we will see historical tanks like Coventry/Fox/Saladin before the line gives way to the less historical tanks such as the ones seen in Warthunder such as the Concept 3, a British New Generation Armoured Car project that never saw the light of day. The tier 10 candidate is an early Rooikat design like the Rooikat 105 seen in Warthunder. Potentially we could see a Rooikat 105 as the tier 9 and a Rooikat 120 as the tier 10. Although a South African tank instead of a British one, we’ve seen this kind of thing before with the Mutz or the Sentinel and indeed Warthunder have incorporated it inside the British tech tree. South Africa is at least ‘Commonwealth aligned’ and I can’t see it getting its own tech tree any time soon.


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