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[Crew 2.0] Please Improve the Instructor UI

It is way too easy to get lost in the instructor UI right now. If I want to add an instructor to my crew, the first screen shows me boxes with already recruited instructors, and the instructor candidate box.

When I click on instructor candidates, I get a massive confusing list of individual instructor candidates (unique/special crew), "partially recruited" instructor candidates (their skill tree is selected, but not the individual skill), and pure candidates that haven't had anything selected yet. The pure candidates and partially recruited instructors are stacked, which is not at all obvious, because the "number of units" indicator in the upper-right corner is very small.

When I finally do make it through all the screens to select a skill for an instructor and add it to my crew, instead of staying in the instructor screen I'm taken all the way back to the crew screen. That's OK if there are no more free instructor slots on my crew, but it's really frustrating if I have multiple open slots and I want to add multiple instructor.

Instructor candidates–organize this screen into 3 sections:

  • Skills final, select a nation (top row)
  • Tree final, select a skill (middle row)
  • Candidates awaiting selection (bottom row)

When adding an instructor to a crew with more open slots, stay in the instructor selection screen!

Crew and instructor screens should always show the right-hand side-bar showing the current vehicle stats for the crew/instructor you're selecting, so you can see if an instructor skill has achieved the desired impact on vehicle stats.

Stacks of instructor candidates or partially recruited instructors should have much more visible number indicator showing how many you have to choose from.

Partially recruited instructors should be grouped into what their specialty is, so if you're looking for an instructor with driving you can navigate to it quickly instead of having to click every single damn instructor in the screen to find it.


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