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Discussion on Arty game play.

Now I've played WoT for I don't know how long feels like forever. I've played so much less since the EBRs came into the game. Maybe 10 battles total this year. I enjoy the heavy tanks / medium tanks and long games and just doesn't seem how the game is played anymore my last battle on NA side of WoT lasted 3 mins and 10 of my team zerged and died. So I've lost interest in the game a lot because of this. I do wish I could just transfer my account over to EU.

Now my friend she basically only plays arty and she swears its insanely fun. To her it's a great time. Looking for enemy arty to try to counter them, moving to new locations to keep them guessing. The way she talks about playing arty makes me want to play arty.

But then I remember playing arty and it's so crazy boring to me. Fully aimed shots missing by like 2 squares or you just take a shot to see what's going to happen and you nuke 3 tanks. To me it's just not a fun experience playing arty. With my heavies the game can go good or bad depending on how I angle myself and how I read the battle, etc. Medium tanks you can play a massive part of the battle if you support correctly and position well.

I just don't see the joy in arty. If I take damage in my heavy I think "I'm angle wrong" or "I'm out of position" if I miss a shot I think "dang fired to soon" and I feel this way with most of the tanks if not all of them but arty.

When I played arty and move like 3 feet backwards to a bush and sit there and wait the 30 seconds to take the fully aimed shot and miss by SOOOO much it's like "ugh ok bad luck" then it happens again and again and again. At the end of the battle I see I've fired like 6 maybe 8 shots and done nothing. It's upsetting and annoying.

I just don't see how people enjoy that kind of game play I feel like it's more of a slot machine then anything else.

Does anyone want to add in their experience playing arty in the game? Good or bad I'd just like to see some different points of view on arty game play.


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