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Earning less or even losing credits in WOT

I've been playing WOT for 11 years now. I'm no where near professional player, just like to play a couple hours a week after work.
After 11 years I have a good tank collection of most T6 or lower, lots of T7,T8 and 9's and about 6-7 T10 tanks. (I even have some premium tanks/reward tanks like Togg 2, or ELC EVEN 90)

I generally like to play tanks like Type 5 Heavy, T95, Badger etc. (So the heavily armored tanks, and yes… I know these aren't really meta tanks but they're fun to play.)

I've noticed last couple months however that the amount of credits I've been earning per battle is extremely low. For example: I have 62% winrate on badger i play Badger, 8K blocked, 5.5k damage and 3 kills. Credits earned: 35k credits, about 8K profit…

With some tanks like Type 5 Heavy I can have 5 kills, 8k damage and even lose credits in a battle.

Couple years ago I used to get 100k easily in a good battle… Does anybody have the same? I legit now play the game less because whatever I do I make a loss.

Ps: this is without credit boosters. With credit boosters I do make a small profit but without them I basically 80% of the time lose money. (No I'm not spamming HEAT 24/7)


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