A couple years ago, I ran into a player a whole bunch of times that seemed to to things no one else could do. I don't mean that he was good –he magically knew where everyone was on the opposing side, routinely ammo-racked tanks when he hit them, etc.
I didn't think much of it until the 4-5th time playing him, and then I got suspicious. I started recording games. When I looked at his stats, they were mind-blowing, and seemingly impossible (81% overall win rate, 7 kills per death, like a 90% hit rate, and some tanks with 88%+ win rates in them. This to go with a 3800 win8)
How was he doing this? Well after playing with and against this dude for like the 20th time, and recording games, I discovered a lot of weird things
- If he was on the other side, 1-2 tanks on my side were either AFK, or driving around and not shooting. They would pull up behind me when I was in a TD, and then either the dude in question would shoot me, or arty would one-shot me. My coordinates were getting reported.
- Back when team damage was still a thing, guys on my side would shoot me dead. I would look at their stats, and they looked like bots. Accounts generated to do just that.
- Arty on my side would get killed collectively after taking the first shot. Again, coordinates being reported, or illegal tracer mods and red ball being used
- In one game, he ammo racked 4 players in a row, and one-shot them all.
To make a long story short, he was sync-dropping with other players and communicating coordinates offline. He was also using every illegal mod out there: tracers, lasers, eyeballs, etc.
And before you say I am crazy: I reported him and he was permanently banned from WOT almost immediately. This was back when WG would take action against players. This dude was #116 in the world and they perma-banned his ass. That's the level of cheating he was involved in.
PM me if you want to know his username
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/lntdus/ever_get_a_guy_banned/