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Facts and Myths: Burn Damage

Hi everyone! WGNA has graciously loaned me a couple of press accounts, so that I may do a variety of tests in training rooms to determine how certain game mechanics work. My primary goal is to determine the penetration RNG distribution. I have the accounts for a short while, so I'm fielding some community requests for other mechanics to test.

Today, inspired by NoCapKillAll [TL-DR], I took a peek at fire mechanics. Today, we will answer four questions:

Do fires go out faster if you're standing still?

Answer: NO

For this experiment, I set up a Type 5 Heavy as my test subject and an E 25 as the shooter. (Low-alpha guns have the best ratio of module damage to regular damage). For the moving tests, I switched to the E 50 (using the same 75mm KwK L/70 gun), as it was significantly easier to pen the side of a moving Type 5. I excluded any and all fires that killed the target.

Stationary target: 77 fires. Damage ranges from 330 to 703, with an average of 526.77.

Moving target: 20 fires (it was much slower to get this data). Damage ranged from 388 to 639, with an average of 513.50.

This is well within error.

Is fire damage fixed?

Answer: NO

In the above stationary test, the fire damage ranged from 330 to 703. The distribution appears normal, but it would take many hundreds of tests to be sure. Values closer to the mean were more likely, but extreme values were not uncommon. The range was roughly ±35%, but I only tested one tank in one configuration, so this range may not apply to other vehicles.

Does being on fire affect your concealment rating?

Answer: YES

This one surprised me. A random line on the wiki suggested it, and it was correct. In fact, being on fire completely negates your concealment. Even if you use an automatic fire extinguisher, your concealment will disappear during that one tick of fire damage, letting others easily spot you.

Can you put out a fire by submerging your tank in water?

Answer: NO

Even if you are currently drowning, an enemy can still set you on fire.

If you have any suggestions for other mechanics to test, put them below!


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